‘What good is a photograph?’
Finbarr O’Reilly, a talented war photographer, writing in The Washington Post: Photographers may aspire to capture scenes that galvanize public opinion and pressure world leaders to act to end wars, …
Finbarr O’Reilly, a talented war photographer, writing in The Washington Post: Photographers may aspire to capture scenes that galvanize public opinion and pressure world leaders to act to end wars, …
Catherine Auzuret (sawadicat), membre d’honneur de Street Photography France: Paris, c’est la ville où je suis arrivée à 18 ans sans rien, pas même une valise ou un carton. Elle …
In a deeply personal way I feel an image is a poem about time, about “staying the moment.” Photography can defeat time. Images can keep the memory of a loved …
I had first picked up a camera at the age of seventeen, and photography immediately opened up my world. From the beginning, it was a way to show others what …
Photography is a true solace in my life and to work on projects that I’m passionate about is incredibly fulfilling. * * * Despite my chronic health issues (meaning I’m …
[T]he core reason for photography: what can’t be explained in words can sometimes be expressed as imagery. Bruce Percy
Pour moi la photographie c’est garder “ma capacité à m’émerveiller encore et toujours”. Laurent Hochart Translation: “For me, photography helps me to maintain my capacity to marvel forever and always.”
Peter Turnley: The essential part of photography is in the mind and heart and soul, with the camera being simply the extension and at the service of those things. Photography …
For emotions and excitement. But primarily, just for myself. Because this pleasure, this “practise” – or let’s call it “way of life” or “way of being” – keeps me peaceful, …
“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.” Andy Warhol